LINCS – Laboratory for Information, Networking and Communication Sciences

The lab's Newsletter

January 2025

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Landmark events

Hello everyone ! It’s a pleasure to reconnect after the winter break and to resume our activities together. As we dive into this new chapter, I would like to wish you all a wonderful 2025, filled with personal and professional achievements and, above all, good health.

First of all, my thanks go to those who kindly took the time to pass along information for me to share with all of you.

Call for applications

  • 6th International Summer School on Radar/SAR Systems (July 5-11, 2025, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany)

Students, PhD candidates, post-docs and anyone else eager to broaden and deepen their understanding of radar and SAR techniques are invited to participate in the truly Fraunhofer International Summer School ( This week will be an unique opportunity to gain an in-depth appreciation of modern radar and SAR systems whilst absorbing the multifarious atmosphere of the famous Upper Middle Rhine region. The focus will be on radar fundamentals, system design, and signal-processing for cutting-edge radar/SAR-Systems for a broad range of applications.

Application: December, 2024 to March 2025. Specific queries regarding the summer school should be addressed to

  • MASCOTS 2025 (October 21-23, 2025, Paris, France)

The 33rd International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems ( will take place in Paris at Sorbonne University.

Paper submission deadline 18 May, 2025 AoE:

  • 21st International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Communications Society (May 12-15, 2025 – Ningbo Pan Pacific Hotel, Ningbo, China)

The International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN) has been held for more than 20 years to address topics related to the reliability and availability of communication networks and has grown to become the meeting place where researchers from both industry and academia get together to advance the state-of-the-art in the field. The DRCN conference has always been a multidisciplinary forum bringing together scientists from diverse fields including engineering of survivable equipment and network technologies, network management and monitoring, and data analytics for fault diagnosis. We are pleased to invite you to contribute and participate in DRCN 2025, encouraging you to submit novel and high-quality work to the conference.

For specific details about submission format and procedure, please check

Authors must submit their papers electronically through EDAS using the following link:

Please contact if you have any questions about submitting your manuscript to DRCN 2025. 


Géométries aléatoires et applications (January, 28 & 29, Paris)

Un colloque de deux jours aura lieu au Collège de France les 28 et 29
janvier dans le cadre de la chaire de géométrie spectrale.

Programme disponible au lien

LINCS newcomers

Maonan Wang

Maonan Wang is a PhD candidate in Computer and Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China. He is currently undertaking an internship at Nokia Bell Labs, where he is involved in the development of transportation simulation systems using AI. Prior to joining Nokia Bell Labs, he completed two internships at SenseTime Co., Ltd. and the Shanghai AI Laboratory. Maonan’s research focuses on smart transportation, leveraging Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to innovate in intelligent transportation systems and the Internet of Vehicles.

What’s coming next!

Coming Seminar talks and Reading groups

Seminar talks

Practical Networks

Network Theory

Tools, Tips and Tricks

  • Sébastien Tixeuil – TBD – February 14

What we’ve been doing…

Previous talks & Videos

Seminar talks

Reading Group on Practical Networks

Reading Group on Network Theory

Reading Group on Tools, Tips and Tricks

Lab’s life

We shared many convivial moments, from pizza after the reading groups to coffee before seminars and the Galette des Rois celebration. But we didn’t think to take pictures because we were too focused on enjoying the moment!

Hedy Lamarr

Like us, the CNRS has also decided to celebrate Hedy Lamarr. Check out the article :
Hedy Lamarr: The Scientific Genius Overshadowed by Beauty

Room Hedy Lamarr (4C06)

As you might know, Hedy Lamarr is the winner of the online survey to name our shared scientific exchange room after a female scientist. She was an Austrian-born American actress (1914 – 2000), inventor of the Frequency-hopping spread spectrum, a technique used in GPS, WIFI, and Bluetooth.

Follow us!    

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Come find us…

 Join us at 19 place Marguerite Perey, Palaiseau, 91123 Palaiseau (4th floor)

To receive our monthly updates, send an e-mail to cristina[.]venitucci[@]telecom-paris[.]fr



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