What’s coming next!
Coming talks at LINCS seminar
(Wednesday 2-3pm. Link: https://telecom-paris.zoom.us/j/94054078947?pwd=VFhyTjIyRWZVYkNzVXp4OXV4c2tTUT09)
- Deepa Jagyasi – Secure and Robust MIMO Transceiver for Multicast Mission Critical Communications (20 Jan.)
(Wednesday 2-3pm. Link: https://telecom-paris.zoom.us/j/94270583366?pwd=cGVqdGg4WEZZSldscGpvTTMvbEJOdz09)
- Prof. Ravi Mazumdar – Waterloo University, 1st talk: Real-time Bidding in First and Second Price Auctions with Temporal and Targeting Constraints (10 Feb.)
- Prof. Catherine Rosenberg – Waterloo University (17 Feb.)
- Prof. Jukka Suomela – Aalto University (24 Feb.)
- Prof. Ravi Mazumdar, 2nd talk – Waterloo University (03 Mar.)
Network Theory Working Group
(Wednesday 11am-12pm. Link: https://telecom-paris.zoom.us/j/94054078947?pwd=VFhyTjIyRWZVYkNzVXp4OXV4c2tTUT09)
- Lorenzo Maggi – Bayesian Optimization (20 Jan.)
(Wednesday 11am-12pm. Link: https://telecom-paris.zoom.us/j/94270583366?pwd=cGVqdGg4WEZZSldscGpvTTMvbEJOdz09)
- Marc Olivier Buob – TBD (3 Feb.)
- Céline Comte – Exponential families (17 Feb.)
Python Workshop
(Wednesday 11am-12pm. Link: https://telecom-paris.zoom.us/j/94054078947?pwd=VFhyTjIyRWZVYkNzVXp4OXV4c2tTUT09)
- Gérard Burnside – Hugging Face (27 Jan.)
(Wednesday 11am-12pm. Link: https://telecom-paris.zoom.us/j/94270583366?pwd=cGVqdGg4WEZZSldscGpvTTMvbEJOdz09)
- François Durand – Fastcore (10 Feb.)
- Rémy Léone – Dockers (24 Feb.)
Workshop with the LINCS Scientific Committee (21-22 June 2021)
Most of the international renowned members of the LINCS Scientific Committee (7 out of 9…for now!) confirmed their participation in our annual joint WS: news about the program will be updated here and further circulated.
New researchers at LINCS
- Camila Fernandez – PhD @UPMC Sorbonne & Nokia
- Gabriele Castellano – Postdoc @INRIA & Nokia
- Maxime Mouchet – Postdoc @UPMC Sorbonne
What we’ve been doing…
Recent award
Best Article at GLOBECOM 2020: Sanket S. KALAMKAR*, François BACCELLI*, Fuad M. ABINADER Jr.*, Andrea S. MARCANO FANI*, Luis G. UZEDA GARCIA*, “Beam Management in 5G: A Stochastic Geometry Analysis”.
Talks at LINCS seminar
(check the videos at the following links!)
- Prof. Holger Karl – Paderborn University – Distributing service execution
- Prof. Marco Ajmone Marsan – Polytechnic University of Turin – On the Use of Small Solar Panels and Small Batteries to Reduce the RAN Carbon Footprint
- Ayoub Ben Ammeur – On the deployability of Augmented Reality Using Embedded Edge Devices
- Prof. Stefan Schmid – University of Vienna – Self-Adjusting Networks: From Metrics to Algorithms
Network Theory Working Group
(check the videos at the following links!)
- Michel Davydov – An introduction to mean field theory
- Théo Delemazure – Voting in Networks
- François Durand – Multi-winner voting rules
Python Workshop
(check the videos at the following links!)
- Thomas Tournaire – SimPy Package tutorial
- Fabien Mathieu – Pyinstaller / Vis.js Network
- Sébastien Tixeuil – Python Sockets 101
- Matthieu Gouel – Takeaways of building a research-oriented system
PhD Thesis defenses
- Diego Kiedanski – Mechanisms and architectures to encourage the massive and efficient use of local renewable energy
- Giovanni Farina – Tractable Reliable Communication in Compromised Networks
- Alexis Galland – Deep learning techniques for graph embedding at different scales
Follow us!
On our website: www.lincs.fr
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/LINCS_Paris
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8K10O_xmNUbeVJgLnrFNxQ
On LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/lincs-paris
Come find us…
Join us at 23 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris (4th floor)