LINCS – Laboratory for Information, Networking and Communication Sciences

The lab's Newsletter

December 2022

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Yet another winner @LINCS! Congratulations to Alexandre Pacaud, PhD at Télécom-Paris under the supervision of Marceau Coupechoux, who is among the winners of the 2022 “My thesis in three minutes” contest organized by Orange.

Here’s the link to the video of his presentation:

Alexandre has been very effective in presenting a complex research subject to a non-specialistic audience and the video is particularly interesting for young researchers.

Here’s Alexandre’s thesis in a nutshell:
Frequency bands, such as 5G or 6G, are generally allocated to telecommunications companies through different auctions taking place simultaneously. Considered the sums involved and the strategic implications determined by the outcome of these auctions, it is crucial to have a good bidding strategy. In my thesis, we develop learning algorithms in order to calculate the optimal strategy for these auctions.

What’s coming next!

Coming talks at LINCS seminar

Practical Networks

  • Ayoub Ben Ameur (TSP) – Jan. 18
  • Andrea Araldo (TSP) – March 01
  • Emma Braiteh (TP/SystemX) – March 22
  • Lorenzo Maggi (Nokia) – April 12

Network Theory Working Group

  • Emma Caizerguez (Nokia) – Jan.11
  • Andrea Araldo (TSP) – Feb. 01
  • Ana Busic (Inria) – Febr. 22
  • Guodong Sun (Inria+Nokia) – March 15

Python Workshop

  • Rémi Varloot (Nokia) – Dec. 14
  • Guillaume Nibert (Sorbonne) – Feb. 15

What we’ve been doing…

Talks at LINCS seminar

(check the videos at the following links!)

Practical Networks

(check the videos at the following links!)

LINCS visit to the TP software radio plateform on 08.12.2022

Network Theory Working Group

(check the videos at the following links!)

Python Workshop

(check the videos at the following links!)

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 Join us at 19 place Marguerite Perey, Palaiseau, 91123 Palaiseau (4th floor)

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